The Broad Strokes Story
Broad Strokes Media is the brainchild of some very dedicated and very talented folks, folks looking to tell the best stories they can, the best way they can, for the happiest endings possible.
We got tired of the same ol', same ol' and made the conscious effort to provide our years of experience writing on sheet and roling around between them to produce content that speaks to the baser instincts and empowers at the same time.
BSM is small press now but, with your support, we fully expect to become a household name. Even if it's one that you have to whisper...
"Broad Strokes Media doesn't just tell stories; they tell the truth. Their content is raw, real, and profoundly moving."
— Jordana M., Reader
"That Spilled Milk series is the truth! I never expected to be so turned on but it took me way too long to finish that story..."
— Alex T., Reader
"They had me at the first story! Now I'm literally checking Amazon every day to see if something new is up!"
— Chanel H., Reader
Reach out to us for collaborations, submissions, or to learn more about what we do.